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Yellow Diamond Necklaces in Sacramento, CA

We found 3 today in Sacramento, CA

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Yellow diamond

Yellow Diamond Necklaces in Sacramento, CA

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Customer reviews for Yellow Diamond Necklaces in Sacramento, CA

  • Irina and Maksim

    I really enjoyed your attitude... You have credibility. After a long search for a gift, I stopped here. I compared even with branded companies. But as a result, I came back here. I...

    Irina and Maksim

Video for Yellow Diamond Necklaces in Sacramento, CA

FAQ about Yellow Diamond Necklaces in USA in Sacramento, CA

Are yellow diamonds popular?

Yes, yellow diamonds, also known as fancy yellow diamonds or canary diamonds, are quite popular. Their vibrant yellow color makes them unique and desirable in the world of colored diamonds. The intensity of the yellow hue can vary, ranging from light to vivid, and the rarity of intensely colored yellow diamonds often adds to their appeal. They provide a distinctive and cheerful alternative to traditional colorless diamonds, making them sought after by those looking for a vibrant and distinctive gemstone.

Are yellow diamonds lower quality?

No, yellow diamonds are not necessarily lower in quality. In the case of yellow diamonds, the color is considered a desirable characteristic rather than an indication of lower quality.It's important to note that the quality of a diamond is assessed based on the combination of the 4Cs: carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. Each factor contributes to the overall beauty and value of the diamond. Therefore, while yellow diamonds have a distinct coloration, they can still be of high quality based on other factors

Can you scratch a yellow diamond?

Yellow diamonds, like other diamonds, are extremely hard and durable, making them resistant to scratching. Diamonds are rated 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which is the highest possible rating. This means they can withstand most daily wear and tear without getting scratched. However, it's essential to note that although diamonds are resistant to scratches, they can still chip or break upon impact, so it's advisable to handle them with care to maintain their integrity and beauty over time.
Prices for Yellow Diamond Necklaces in USA
Pear Shaped Fancy Yellow Diamond Chain Necklace White Gold $100,000
Pear Shaped Fancy Yellow Diamond Chain Necklace Rose Gold $100,000
Pear Shaped Fancy Yellow Diamond Chain Necklace Yellow Gold $100,000
☑ Products category Necklaces and Pendants
☑ Products quantity in the catalog 3
☑ The cheapest product price $1,975,050
☑ The most expensive product price $1,975,050